
Down­load bib­li­og­ra­phy here


For a cur­rent cv and bib­li­og­ra­phy please vis­it Anna Schwartz Gallery web­site

Vic­to­ria Lynn, ‘His­to­ry Paint­ing’, in Stieg Pers­son (ed) His­to­ry Paint­ing, Anna Schwartz Gallery, Mel­bourne
Vic­to­ria Lynn, ‘Par­al­lel Lives’ in Tar­rawar­ra Bien­nale 2006, Par­al­lel Lives: Aus­tralian Paint­ing Today, ex. cat. Tar­rawar­ra Muse­um of Art, Healesville, Vic­to­ria
Ash­ley Craw­ford, ‘Stieg Pers­son: His­to­ry Paint­ing’, Aus­tralian Art Col­lec­tor, issue 38 Octo­ber-Decem­ber

Richard Kali­na, ‘Report from Aus­tralia: Down Under No More’, Art in Amer­i­ca, April, pp77-83

Ash­ley Craw­ford, ‘Pers­son explores grav­i­ty’, The Age, 9 March

Ash­ley Craw­ford, “Large, lay­ered and now it’s worth $50,000”, The Age, 9 Novem­ber
Annemarie Kiely, “Chaos The­o­ries”, belle, April / May
Lara Travis, “Stieg Pers­son”, in See Here Now: Vizard Foun­da­tion Art Col­lec­tion of the 1990s, Ian Pot­ter Muse­um of Art, Uni­ver­si­ty of Mel­bourne

Georgina Safe, “Artists sue over net squat­ting”, The Aus­tralian, 25 Jan­u­ary
David O’Halloran, Back­mask­ing: The art of Stieg Pers­son , Glen Eira City Gallery

Robert Nel­son, “Painting’s dark history”,The Age, 3 Novem­ber,
Ray­mond Gill, “Artists lose domain names to stranger”, The Age 22 Decem­ber

Anna Clab­burn, “Photographer’s view of world a rare treat”, The Age 25 Novem­ber

Vir­ginia Tri­oli, Stieg Pers­son: Södra, Gal­leri Kon­stepi­demin, Göte­borg, July

Max Delany, “Death’s Head Abstrac­tion”, Stieg Pers­son, exhi­bi­tion cat., Art Gallery of New South Wales, Syd­ney, April
Don­alds Williams & Col­in Simp­son, Art Now: Con­tem­po­rary Art Post-1970, Book Two, McGraw Hill,
Vir­ginia Tri­oli, “Secrets of suc­cess is only skin deep”, The Age, 18 April

Peter Timms, The Black Show, Gee­long Art Gallery
Christi­na David­son “The Long Legged Fly-Sehn­sucht and Still­ness (Wall pieces by John Young, Tony Clark, Stieg Pers­son and Janet Burchill, 1983 — 84)” in John Young: Sil­hou­ettes and Poly­chromes, Schwartz City, Mel­bourne
Chris McAu­li­ffe, “Redec­o­rat­ing”, Art & Text # 45, May

Chris McAu­li­ffe, Manet’s Leg, City Gallery, Mel­bourne
Chris McAu­li­ffe, “Paint it Black, Stieg Pers­son and the Mono­chrome Tra­di­tion”, Inte­ri­or Mag­a­zine, Vol 1 # 3 &4, Feb­ru­ary, Mel­bourne

Andrew Say­ers, “The Hos­pi­tal From With­in” in Art and the Can­cer Ward, Lin­den Gallery, St Kil­da
Christo­pher Chap­man, The Cor­po­re­al Body, Aus­tralian Nation­al Gallery, Can­ber­ra
Stieg Pers­son, “Artist’s state­ment” in Art and the Can­cer Ward, Lin­den Gallery, St Kil­da, July
Robert Rooney, The Week­end Aus­tralian, 16–17 Feb­ru­ary
Christi­na Low, “Ill­ness and devo­tion”, The Mel­bourne Times, 13 Feb­ru­ary
Matt Healy, “Stieg Pers­son”, Agen­da #17, May
Christo­pher Heath­cote, “Art after a Fash­ion”, The Age, 20 Feb­ru­ary
Jen­ny Zim­mer, “From death and dis­ease, life slow­ly tri­umphs”, The Sun­day Her­ald, 24 Feb­ru­ary
Vir­ginia Tri­oli, “Heady mix­ture of hors­es, paint­ing and med­i­cine”, The Age, 8 Feb­ru­ary
Vir­ginia Tri­oli, “Rid­ing artis­tic hors d’oeuvres” , Good Week­end Mag­a­zine: The Age, March
B. Smith & T. Smith (eds), Aus­tralian Paint­ing 1788–1990
Robert Rooney, The Week­end Aus­tralian, 29–30 Novem­ber
Kevin Mur­ray, Otis Rush, Win­ter
Robert Nel­son, “Art and the Can­cer Ward”, Agen­da, vol 20–21

Pam Hans­ford, “Stieg Pers­son”, Artscribe, Jan-Feb
Eileen Chan in, Con­tem­po­rary Aus­tralian Art, Crafts­man Press, Syd­ney
Ash­ley Craw­ford (ed.) “A Chron­i­cle of Aus­tralian Art”, Ten­sion 19, Jan­u­ary
Suzy Free­man-Greene, “Art brings a gift of life inwards of mor­tal­i­ty”, The Age, 21 April
Andrew Say­ers, “Artists in Hos­pi­tals”, Art Month­ly Australia,#.36, Novem­ber

Gra­ham Coul­ter-Smith, “Black Humour: Stieg Persson’s Paint­ings”, Eye­line #9, Win­ter
Fran­cis Lind­say, Artists under Sat­urn, The Uni­ver­si­ty of Mel­bourne Muse­um of Art
Robert Lind­say, The I.C.I. Col­lec­tion, Mel­bourne
Jan Blens­dorf, “A gor­geous ele­phant, with noth­ing to say”, The Age, 22 Sep­tem­ber
Leo Edel­stien, Pat­a­physics Vol 1, #1, (inter­view)
C McAu­li­ffe & S. Holt, REBUS Vol 1

Rose Lang, “Stieg Pers­son” in Advance Aus­tralian Paint­ing, Auck­land City Art Gallery, New Zealand
Rose Lang, “The Dis­ease of Absence” in Stieg Pers­son, City Gallery, Decem­ber
Stieg Pers­son, Artist project, Kerb Your Dog # 3, Nixon, John & Young, John (eds), Syd­ney
Stieg Pers­son, Artist project, Kerb Your Dog # 6, Nixon, John & Young, John (eds), Pub­lished as a sup­ple­ment to Art & Text #35, Syd­ney

Robert Lind­say, The Young Aus­tralians, The Bud­get Col­lec­tion
John Nixon, Bohemia, Lin­den Gallery, July
Robert Lind­say, Field to Fig­u­ra­tion, Aus­tralian art 1960–1986, Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, Mel­bourne
Ash­ley Craw­ford, “Our Faith: Stieg Pers­son”, Ten­sion 11, Jan-Feb
Danielle Duval, “In This Dense Democ­ra­cy”, Art & Text #23/4, Mar-May
Ted Gott, “Eight­ies appro­pri­a­tion-Fetish or Feast? The art of Geoff Lowe, Stieg Pers­son and David Wadel­ton”, Art & Aus­tralia Vol.25, # 1, Spring
Alan Tate, “Young Mas­ters”, Good Week­end Mag­a­zine: The Age, 13 Nov

Nao­mi Cass, Fears and Scru­ples, Uni­ver­si­ty of Mel­bourne
Ted Gott, Back­lash, Nation­al Gallery of Vic­to­ria, Mel­bourne
Stieg Pers­son, Artist’s state­ment in The Source, Uni­ver­si­ty of Tas­ma­nia
Robert Rooney, “Prot­ting: a link with the past”, The Aus­tralian, 7 Jun Alexan­dra Mor­phett, (ed) “Art Stars”, Xpress, Vol 1, #6, Dec-Jan

Bruce Adams, Plea­sure of the Gaze, Image and Appear­ance in Recent Aus­tralian Art, Art Gallery of West­ern Aus­tralia, Perth
Ash­ley Craw­ford & John Buck­ley (eds), Visu­al Ten­sion, Vir­gin Press and A.C.C.A., Mel­bourne
Christi­na David­son, “Stieg Pers­son” in Aus­tralian Per­spec­ta 1985, Art Gallery of New South Wales,Sydney
Denise Robin­son, 4 Mel­bourne Artists, I.M.A./George Paton Exchange, Insti­tute of Mod­ern Art, Bris­bane
Christi­na David­son, “Stieg Pers­son”, Art Net­work 14, Sum­mer
Elwyn Lynn, The Week­end Aus­tralian, 30 March
Susan McCul­loch, “Youth art thrives in a boom­ing mar­ket”, Good Week­end Mag­a­zine: The Age, 3 May
Arthur McIn­tyre, “Pers­son has a black and white romance with death”, The Age, 11 April

Mem­o­ry Hol­loway, The Aus­tralians-Three gen­er­a­tions of Draw­ing, C.D.S. Gallery, New York
Peter Cole-Adams, “Art joins the Oz seduc­tion of Big Apple’s cul­tur­al core”, The Age, 26 Sep­tem­ber
Sue Cramer, “Teas­ing images and emo­tions into a paint­ed tapes­try”, The Age, 21 Novem­ber
Sharon Good, “Scep­ti­cal self-crit­ic in mono­chrome”, Emer­ald and San­dridge Times, 22 Novem­ber

Mar­garet Rich, Ani­mal Imagery in Con­tem­po­rary Art, Bal­larat Fine Art Gallery, Bal­larat
Mem­o­ry Hol­loway, “Com­bin­ing the sign and the soil”, The Age, 24 Novem­ber
Ronald Mil­lar, The Her­ald, 17 Novem­ber