How We Live Now, Margaret Lawrence Gallery, Melbourne, February 2018

Instal­la­tion, Main Gallery

Instal­la­tion, Main Gallery

Instal­la­tion, Side Gallery

Snowflakes with Avo­ca­dos, 2017, Oil on linen, 183 x 168cm

Snowflakes with Peb­bles and Beet­root Rel­ish, 2018, Oil on linen, 183 x 168cm

Chi­nese Gybe I & Chi­nese Gybe II, 2017, Lith­o­graph with chine col­lé, 76 x 56cm (image and sheet)

Acti­vat­ed Gold II, 2015, Lith­o­graph, 76 x 56cm (image and sheet)

Snowflakes with Bil­ber­ries and Green Cof­fee Beans, 2017, Oil on linen, 183 x 227cm